Friday, April 12, 2013 and my PTSD

They say there are five states to PTSD. And when I say "they" I mean Pinterest. Yes I saw this on Pinterest and without any further research decided it is true. I remember going through every single stage that the pin had listed and if it is true for me then that is good enough for me.
The first stage is acute anxiety. I thought about the incident just over a month ago when a man attacked me behind the bar I was working at and how I felt after, the panic and anxiety episodes I felt. I thought that was my first stage. Then I remembered that I had been mugged at gunpoint with my 4 year old son about three months before, my acute stage probably started then. But wait three years before that I was raped in my own bedroom, that was probably what started all of this. No, after multiple therapy sessions, group counselling and self reflection I realized I don't remember a time in my life when I haven't had these symptoms and feelings.
I don't want to be mistaken as being someone who hates their whole life and feels that it has been only bad. I have a great deal of great memories and moments that I cling to like the treasures they are. I have on the other hand had a great deal more bad luck, as my friends call it, than most people I meet. I need a place to vent and express myself, especially on those days that are just harder than others with no real obvious reason. More than that, I want to create a place where other people who have my same problems can go to remember they are not alone, a place where people who don't have my same problems can learn about the effects that traumatic events and mental illness can have on an individual and everyone else in their lives. I'm writing this blog for me, but if it can help you in any way, then I want to write it for you. I don't want to feel alone, and I don't want you to either.
In all my posts to come I am going to be as honest and open as I can because I want to heal. I do not desire to offend or upset anyone but as we live in a world full of people from different opinions and backgrounds I know that won't be possible. All I ask is that if I do, please know it was unintentional, and know that while I am pleased to hear from you I would like you to remember that I am fragile and the words of others, even if they are strangers do affect me so choose your words carefully.
So here it goes, I will let you into my world, show you my fight with PTSD and with a most ideal of goals, shed myself free from the shame and humiliation I have always felt as a result of it. Thank you for reading.

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